
Revelstoke Child Care Society

Employer Profile

The Revelstoke Child Care Society is a non-profit organization that focusses on child care and early learning services in Revelstoke. We strive to provide families with quality, accessable child care choices; early learning opportunities for children and families; support for parents with accessing child care subsidy; training, education and support for child care providers and an extensive early learning lending library.

Why this employer

The services of the Child Care Society are part of the Revelstoke Early Years Centre and co-located in an elementary school with other early learning services including Early Literacy, StrongStart, Leap Land and the Speech and Language Clinic. The Revelstoke Child Care Society hosts 6 child care facilities from infants to school age care. Staff are supported with ongoing professional development opportunities and credential upgrading. Our team of educators work collaboratively to offer a vibrant, play focused environment for children, families and staff. RCCS is proud to have received the 2014 Family Friendly Workplace award.

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email: ac.evil@rrccekotslever

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