Business Resources

The Kootenay region offers businesses access to a rich vein of valuable agencies, not for profit organizations and governmental departments focused on supporting the business community.

Deciding to buy or start your own business is a big decision, and sometimes external advice and support is a welcome addition!

Whether you are in the East Kootenays, West Kootenays or Kootenay Boundary, you can find someone who can help from the right business discipline. BC is leading the country in small business growth, and the Kootenays has the third highest number of small businesses per capita in BC. We know you’ll find the expert you need to help you.

To find details of chambers of commerce, municipal governments, employment centres, training centres, media, libraries, tourism organizations and other local resources, please visit our resources page.

The following organizations also offer support and information about doing business in the Kootenays.


Looking for information about the various sectors and industries across the region?
Follow these links to find out more.

Widget Generator

Do you own a website? Do you want to be able to search for investment opportunities on Imagine Kootenay from your very own website? We have an online widget generator that will allow you to do just that.

Our widget generator can be customized to match the look and feel of your website. We encourage you to place our widget on your website to promote investment opportunities in our region. The Imagine Kootenay widget would make a great addition to websites of chambers’ of commerce, lenders, real estate agents, tourism organizations, economic development agencies or local governments. It’s easy to install. Get your widget here!
