In an effort to better represent what it is to live #yourbetterlife in these, our wonderful #Kootenays, Imagine Kootenay is now on Instagram!
We’re posting and reposting all of the fantastic snapshots of life and work in our precious part of the world and would like you to join us. There are thousands of terrific work, business and lifestyle photos on Instagram that show how folks are enjoying what it is to take advantage of all the Kootenays has to offer.
From our outstanding and ample outdoor recreation opportunities to the interesting startups and businesses that innovative and eager individuals have undertaken (breweries, retail, recreation, hotels& resorts, tech and so much more!) Instagram makes it so easy to see how we enjoy creating a life in this part of the world.
We encourage you to follow us and tag your favourite life and/or work in the Kootenays photos with our #yourbetterlife hashtag to participate in some great upcoming contests and to help us get the word out about what it is to live and work here in the gorgeous #koots!
Spread the word and share your photos with us!