#BCTECH Summit is a two-day event focused on supporting the growth of the tech sector in our province and accelerating growth across our economy. Hosted by the provincial government in partnership with the BC Innovation Council, the event will help BC tech companies attract customers, connect with investors, network with government representatives and build their brands. It takes place in Vancouver on March 14-15, 2017.
Columbia Basin Trust plans to help 50 Basin-based businesses attend the event, by offering up to $1,000 to offset expenses.
To be eligible to receive the Trust funds, you must:
- be a registered for-profit business;
- be based in Columbia Basin Trust’s region, see map here; and
- have been in business at least one year.
Note: Priority will be given to businesses with a focus on technology or manufacturing and, if fully subscribed, a group of businesses under the same ownership will only be eligible for one attendee.
Eligible ExpensesSelected businesses will be required to submit an expense form with accompanying documentation after the Summit to be reimbursed up to a maximum of $1,000 for the following eligible expenses:
- #BCTech Summit Registration fees;
- Accommodation;
- Airfare (receipt and boarding pass required);
- Car rental, taxi, or public transit; and
- Mileage (reimbursed at $0.53 per kilometer).
How to Apply
Send an email to gro.tbc@kuisergr with the following details:
- Subject line: #BCTECH Summit Support
- Business Name
- Business Number
- Business Owner Name
- A brief description (maximum 200 words) of how your attendance at the #BCTECH Summit will help you grow your business and/or access new customers or markets.
Deadline to Apply
Send an email – By Thursday, December 1, 2016, at noon PT/1:00 p.m. MT