Colin Grant grew up in “The Country,” in the north of Scotland, an area very much like The Kootenays. From the age of four he can recall a strong bond between himself and nature. After an injury just prior to the 1988 Calgary Olympics derailed his ski racing career, Colin put his talents towards making the world a cleaner, greener and leaner place.
His noble goal was to make sure his son could grow up in a world where he could still recognize the the seasons by the snow arriving in the fall and the salmon spawning up river.
He recently moved to Rossland, BC where he works as head of Strategy and Sales for FigBytes, a robust, industry leading business that is helping everyone from countries to airports to universities achieve their sustainability goal.
If he is successful, he may just get his lifelong goal of a cleaner and still snowy planet for his son.
You can listen to Colin’s story HERE!
#yourbetterlife #youcandothathere