
Disaster preparedness forum coming to Castlegar

Community Futures Central Kootenay is hosting the 2019 Community Economic Development Forum in Castlegar, BC on April 8 – 9, 2019. The theme for this two-day event is natural disasters – how to prepare, respond and recover.

The forum will bring together experts who have helped businesses through recent natural disasters, including flood and wildfire. Attendees will learn about disaster preparedness, response and recovery for businesses and communities.

Speakers include Dale Wheeldon (BCEDA), Jeremy Stone (SFU) and Colin O’Leary (O’Leary & Associates).

The Community Economic Development forum is hosted annually by Community Futures offices across the Kootenay-Boundary region. The purpose is to bring together community stakeholders to learn, share ideas and identify opportunities to collaborate.

The event agenda and registration information is available here.