
Episode 85 – Phil Gadd- The Loaf and Business Coaching” How to Become Predictably Profitable


Bread and Dough. Although it’s impossible to trace the exact date of the first slang usage of “Dough,” as a term for money, it seems to have originated in the 19th century. Where bread was the traditional everyday necessity of life at the time, to earn one’s living was to earn one’s bread, therefore bread became synonymous with money. The authoritative Oxford English Dictionary found the earliest printed use of “Dough,” as a slang term for money in 1851: “He thinks he will pick his way out of the Society’s embarrassments, provided he can get sufficient dough.” The quote appeared in the Yale Tomahawk, a publication of Yale’s Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity.
Phil Gadd, originally from the UK, has lived out this expression in both of its meanings. Having discovered the beauty of life in Fernie, BC while on a snowboarding holiday, the former film and television editor from London, made it his mission to find a way to both live and make a living in Fernie. Inspired by a unique bakery/café run by a friend in southern England, his plan was set in motion. Fernie’s bakery had recently closed, and he and his wife emigrated. Three years later he was running The Loaf as a million dollar plus business and living the life of his dreams and was both literally and figuratively rolling in the dough and making lots of bread. He’s now set his sights on helping others achieve similar success.

Emigrate to a new country, launch a million dollar business in a brand new industry, and teach others how to do it as well? You Can Do That Here!
Their website is and also for his business coaching.


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