Bron and Sons Nursery
Bron and Sons Nursery in Grand Forks is one of the largest container plant producers in Western Canada.As a wholesale company, Bron and Sons Nursery sells strictly to retail garden centres, re-wholesalers and commercial landscapers.
It all began in 1969 when Hans and Rita Bron started Greenview Nursery on a one acre garden center in Calgary. Wanting to grow hardy nursery stock that was better acclimatized to the harsh Alberta climate, Greenview Nursery moved to 85 acres near Strathmore in 1972.Several years later Hans started looking for land in an appropriate climate in BC to grow cuttings faster which were started in Alberta. The nursery stock was hardy and acclimatized for the harsh southern Alberta weather conditions.
Twenty five years ago Greenview Nurseries bought 22.5 acres of land on Carson Road to expand their Alberta nursery. Hans Bron chose Grand Forks for its great climate, water availability and reasonable land prices. Vince and Genny took on this challenge and moved to BC from Calgary and started growing nursery stock for the Alberta operation.The Greenview Nurseries operation in Alberta was sold in 1996 and Ed and Vince bought the Grand Forks operation. Ed and Kathleen moved to Grand Forks from Calgary a year later to help operate the newly named Bron and Sons Nursery.
Today Bron and Sons grows over 900 varieties of plants in up to five different sizes of containers for each of the varieties. The niche Bron and Sons has from other nurseries is the hardy plant material it grows suited for harsher colder climates. Plants are shipped to Western Canada, Alaska, Yukon, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Wyoming and Colorado. The nursery has grown to employ 110 people in peak season that work on nearly 100 acres with a variety of container plants.