Episode 56 – Focussing on your dreams and shooting for a living with Colin Payne
Brevity, the sound bite, the easily digestible message. However you describe it, one of the key factors in marketing and selling just about anything, is the ability to quickly, concisely and effectively deliver a critical message about your product. As they say, a picture tells a thousand words, so what better way to sell your business than with a truly captivating photograph that sums up the message you’re trying to send in one stunning picture? Knowing how critical and effective a great photo can be for selling, and how great and inexpensive quality cameras have become we should be surprised that we still see anything less than perfect pictures out there. Whether it be on a Facebook Page, Instagram account, company website, brochure or magazine article, simply taking the time to get the perfect shot often gets lost in a super easy point, shoot and publish world.
Colin Payne of the South Slocan has first got drawn in to the world of photography on a trip through Europe as a way of documenting his adventures. Growing that talent with a journalism degree and photo journalism courses he went on to a career shooting and writing for community newspapers. After finding his way to, and falling in love with the Nelson, BC area, the community paper he worked for quickly closed. What came next was a forced entry into the entrepreneurship world or photography.
This episode graciously supported by Austin Engineering