Episode 122 – Amanda Hathorn-Geary of Get a Life at Sea
Imagine… if you’re from the Kootenays, or any small town for that matter, having the responsibility to fill the positions of every person in town. To populate the city, from the doctors to the teachers, shop keepers to the bartenders, literally thousands of people to hopefully live and work together harmoniously.
If it sounds like a huge task, imagine now doing all of that, but on a city that also floats. With new cruise ships being built and launched every year, and each one of them requiring thousands of staff, filling those positions can be a huge job.
And if you’re a world traveller at heart, the notion of getting paid to travel the high seas is pretty appealing. Navigating your way from, say, the university campus to working the Mediterranean is also a foreign path for most.
If you happened to have grown up on a ship, worked most of your career on a ship, and spent much of that time and more in HR and recruitment for said ships, you’ve probably learned a whole lot about both in the process.
Amanda Hathorn-Geary, is perhaps one of the few people in the world with that knowledge base, experience and skill set. Having settled in Revelstoke, a long haul from the ocean, she set out to put that knowledge to work for her while she raised her son.
Turn your knowledge and experience from a life at sea, into a residual income business, while living in the mountains, so you can live the life you dream of? You Can Do That Here!
You Can Do That Here! is created and produced by AZcre8ive, a digital storytelling company