Episode 78 – How to tell an engaging story and own content marketing with Vince Hempsall of Wonowmedia.
Storytelling. It is one of the oldest past times and jobs in the history of humankind. Whether handing down knowledge, entertaining a crowd or selling the virtues of a product or service, the ability to tell a great story, is truly among the most powerful of skills. Whether painting on cave walls, or developing content for a new mobile app, there is no greater way to engage an audience’s mind, heart and soul, and perhaps even their purse-strings, than a great story.
In the marketing world of today, content marketing is one of the hot buzz words. The savvy customer is no longer sold by annoying ads. Instead, they are seeking out great content whether 140 characters or 3,000 words long. They want to learn, be educated and entertained, not sold too. Ignoring that desire to sell, and rather putting that effort into creating great content often leads to more customers grown, and more sales longer term, than going for the sales kill right off the bat.
So what is that secret to creating great content? Vince Hempsall of Wo Now Media, has got it figured out. From a background in print, through online content and marketing creation, all the way to developing content for apps, his ability to tell a great story crosses mediums.
I sat down with Vince in the front yard of his Nelson home to hear his story and get some tips on how we can all tell better stories.
About the podcast: The You can do that here! podcast was created and produced by Andrew Zwicker of AZcreative for the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology. The podcast is a weekly series of conversations with some of the most innovative and successful entrepreneurs