Canadian Timberframes
Canadian Timberframes is proud to be in their second decade of being the premier supplier of exceptional timber frame structures in the industry. Owners Pat Soles, Brett Soles and Pierre Lussier co-founded Canadian Timberframes Ltd. (CTF) in 1999. The Soles brothers have been around wood manufacturing since birth, and are 4th generation entrepreneurs in the Columbia Valley. Their family legacy, past experience and the positive reception to local projects early in the company’s history has been exceedingly important in the forging of the company’s reputation.
Seeking to grow their business to the next step, in 2011, they brought in Jeff Bowes as a partner; managing business development, marketing & sales. With a 30-year background within the timber frame industry and experience running all aspects of the business, he was the natural fit for his current role as President. “Wood is a natural, recyclable and renewable resource. We pride ourselves in our spectacular structures; joining strength of design and natural beauty together,” says Bowes.
The company has experienced unprecedented growth over the last few years. Changing their business model from third-party manufacturer to a direct-to-consumer model, mixing commercial and high-end custom builds, and partnering with award-winning architects have all contributed to this growth. The business has expanded vertically as well, meeting consumers’ needs by offering a complete timber frame and enclosure package. Sales have grown 30% in the past year and 150% in 36 months. To support this growth, Canadian Timberframes has hired 14 new employees since 2011, attracting 8 new permanent residents to Golden BC.
Canadian Timberframes chose their manufacturing location in Golden, BC for one specific reason: it is in the heart of the world’s most sought after structural wood source – Interior Douglas Fir. Douglas Fir is one of the strongest and most durable softwoods and is often the first choice for structural timbers and framing lumber for housing markets worldwide. The location in the Columbia Valley along the Trans Canada corridor means easy access to some of the most sought-after timbers on the planet, as well as ease of transportation to any site across North America.
The staff and management at Canadian Timberframes have pride in their community and promote Golden as an inspiring place to live, work and visit. They often invite customers to visit Golden, hosting them locally and giving them a chance to dine, ski, tour the CTF facility and meet the staff. The CTF team is proud to show-off their mountain lifestyle and love living and working in Golden. “We couldn’t ask for a better mix of resources, location, inspiring beauty and strong community,” says Jeff Bowes.