Episode 115 – Eleanor Stacey of The Civic
Community. Whether it’s the five, ten or ten million people that live physically near you or the several hundred or thousands of online friends we connect with digitally, community ultimately comes down to one simple thing: The gathering of people together in a common space.
For much if not all of human kind it has been the gathering of people in a common space that has pushed and pulled our civilization forward. To that end, the ability and place to gather is indeed critical to the lifeblood of our communities and our culture.
One troubling trend, perhaps best epitomized most recently as the onset of VR has been the encroachment of technology on our time and ability to gather, and thus posing a threat to our community as a whole.
Sure virtual reailty, just as radio, television, cable, the internet, Netflix and all manner of instant access content has posed a threat to the gathering of people in the past could be a threat, or it could be the next cool thing in the world of theater and cinema.
Eleanor Stacey literally and figuratively grew up in Nelson’s theatre scene. She took that inspiration and launched a globe trotting career in film and the arts before settling back in her hometown to take on The Civic Theatre’s relaunch.
No longer seen, at least in the more progressive eyes of folks like her, as a threat, the ties and bonds between technology, screen and cinema are rapidly forming as the next era of community culture in the Kootenays thrives in places like The Civic.
Grow up in a theater family, travel to the Caribbean, New York, Germany and beyond working in the industry all before returning home to take the helm of the community cinema, partnering with local tech and filmmakers and blurring the line between tech and theater? You can do that here!
You Can Do That Here! was created and produced by AZcre8ive, a digital storytelling company