Episode 107 – No-See-Um Ventures: How to overcome adversity and turn it into a competitive advantage
Bad news… We’ve all been there before when something out of our control happens that dramatically changes the courses of our moment, day, year or lives. It can often be devastating and have a lasting impact on our lives. As we’ve all heard from many people in many ways, in life it’s not about what happens to us, but rather how we react to it. It could be the bad news that the product or service you wanted or needed wasn’t available, and so you created it yourself. It could be the likely many bad news, mistakes and failures along the way that drive you to improvement and success.
In the end, as in life, so too is entrepreneurship all about not what happens to you but how you react to it. In that sense, as in many others, David Agnew of Crawford Bay BC is very much an entrepreneur at his core. For most of his life he enjoyed a busy and successful business career in the oil and gas industry. In a matter of three days that all changed as he lost his eyesight. That’s when his business mind fired back up and he went through a typical lean start-up approach to getting back into the game. The end result is a creative and unique business, motivated by his bad news. His unique story is one any person who has ever received bad news or faced adversity should hear.
Lose your sight and your former career due to an unforeseen medical condition? turn your life around? find a productive path forward, launch a new business and inspire others with your story? You Can Do That Here!